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The Theme Of Avengers Endgame Is Different From Infinity Wars

Russo brothers decided the end of Avengers: Endgame before the plot of Infinity War Although on many occasions we hear that it is better to start at the beginning, the directors of "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Avengers: Endgame" did not follow this advice when creating the story of these two films. The production of these films of the most powerful Heroes on Earth took place almost successively, one after another, and given how connected they are, they had creative processes that went hand in hand. During a recent interview, directors Anthony and Joe Russo have recognized that when it came to tackling the plot of the two films, they really began the end of it all. They recognize that one...

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How Can SPIDER-MAN Stick to Walls with Shoes On?

Have you ever wondered "How can Spider-Man crawl on walls if he has gloves and shoes on?" Fantastic question, the short answer is that he can't but it's a little bit more complicated than that. So let's back up a little bit. Spider-Man has a ton of powers, right; spider sense, proportional strength of a spider, all that goodness, but it was actually sticking to walls that inspired the character. Stan Lee explained, quote, "I've told this story so often it might even be true, I can't remember. But I was saying, I saw a fly crawling on the wall. And I said wow, suppose a person had the power to stick to a wall like an insect. So I...

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